Getting Started with the Media Consumption Journal

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As soon as you receive your account, you should now be able to log in and add posts to our site for your media consumption journal. The point of this assignment is for you, as an individual, to start regularly reading/listening to/watching some of the media being produced today by respected multimedia platforms. But it is also for you as a collective to begin taking inspiration for the work you'll do together later in the course.  As a reminder, you'll have to craft 5000 words in response to:

  • At least 90 minutes of podcast episodes
  • At least one multimedia feature
  • At least one photo/video segment
  • At least 35,000 words of essays and articles.

Here is the list of bookmarks I've collected that you can use for this assignment, or you can write to me with other pieces you find on your own.

To make a post, log in to the site's dashboard here, then click the "Posts" category to the left. Click 'add new.' In the large text box in the middle of the screen, first post a link to the piece you've chosen, followed by your commentary on it. Make sure to tag it with the "MCJ" category over on the right side of the screen before hitting the blue "Publish" button in the top right.

Good luck.

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