Class 3/3: Forms of Video Content for Multimedia Journalism

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In the first class of the video unit, we discussed some of the most popular forms that multimedia publications utilize.

They include variations on the Five Shot Sequence:

These can be news reports, product reviews, or editorials, including "standups" or PTC's (piece to camera) in which a reporter addresses the audience through the camera

They can also be video news bulletins, which are approximations of TV news desks that offer an overview of stories

The Hollywood continuity editing style relies on a series of shot/reverse shot patterns, with eyeline matches and adhering to the 180 degree rule.

The video essay is an emerging form that has caught on in the last few years. These feature very little new footage captured by the essayist, but instead rely on captions, voiceovers, and editing of existing footage to pursue an argument. Here are some that I like:

While you should definitely take advantage of Arcadia's subscription, YouTube also has many videos offering advice on how to film interviews


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