Class 1/23: Types of Ledes, Nutgraf Basics

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In class today we walked through a series of types of lede paragraphs, from basic News Ledes to more literary and stylistic choices.

Here are the ledes we discussed in class:

  • Summary lede (AKA Straight News Lede, 5W’s Lede)
  • Punch lede – It uses strong verbs and short sentences that are meant to create an impact.
  • Anecdotal lede – This one begins, as is obvious, with an anecdote.
  • Descriptive lede – As the name suggests, this type of lede goes into great detail to describe the scene or person that makes up the subject of the story.
  • Quotation lede : Ledeing with a colorful quote can get right to the heart of your story.
  • Question lede: It’s tricky to do well, but a provocative or pointed  question can attract curiousity
  • Personal lede It involves the use of the first person singular in the lede.
  • 'You' lede (or Direct Address lede) The `You' lede is intended to make a personal appeal to the reader involved in a complicated situation.
  • Contrast lede: Lede shows a stark comparison between two points, figures, or ideas.
  • Delayed lede (or suspended interest lede)  - very tricky to pull off, but it’s possible to delay the lede until almost the very end of the story. This obituary for a man that died in the WTC attack on 9/11 is one example.
  • Blind identification lede If the person concerned is not well known in the community, his/her name is less important than other salient facts that identify the person. eg. "a 80-year-old woman" instead of her name.
  • Gag (or funny) lede start with a joke
  • Allusion lede  - paraphrases a well known line from literature or pop culture

Here are some resources for writing ledes:

A good lead is everything — here’s how to write one

Writing basics: how to write a lead

How to Write a Lead Paragraph that Wins Readers’ Attention

And here is a guide to writing nut grafs

Nailing the Nut Graf

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