Assignment: Producing a Video Segment for Multimedia Publishing

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The video package assignment asks you to combine the interviewing, editing, and mixing skills you utilized in the audio package assignment with the visual storytelling skills you used in the photo/graphic gallery assignment.


There are many ways to tell a story using video or animation, and I want to allow you to be as creative as you want to be. The only firm requirements are:

  • The finished video must be between 2 and 6 minutes
  • It must include at least one minute of interview content
  • It must include visuals that you did not capture (stock footage, clips, photos or documents)

You can choose to adapt a straightforward five-shot sequence (see reverse):

  • A close up on hands
  • A close up on face
  • A medium close interview
  • A detail/macro
  • Another shot: an extreme close-up, unique angles or framing, an action, shot, long or short exposure, dramatic lighting, etc.
  • PLUS: A clip

You could do a TV- style reporting segment

  • A “standup” or “piece to camera
  • An interview
  • B-roll images with your voice-over
  • Stills or video captured elsewhere with your voiceover

You could also use a traditional conversation in traditional Hollywood continuity editing style

  • An establishing shot
  • Two pairs of shot/reverse shots
  • An insert
  • A re-establishing shot.

You might also use the format of the video essay, that blends

  • Clips
  • Still images (utilizing the “Burns Effect”)
  • Interviews
  • Voice-over
  • Titles

Due Date

Have your storyboards by March 10, and your video submitted by March 26th.

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