Katie Baker, “What Do We Do With These Men?” (New York Times, 1600 words)

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Our world seems to be changing for the better, besides the very real issue of global warming that will eventually wipe us all out. But morally speaking, we are getting better. Each day we take a step forward towards loving and accepting each other, improving equality, and punishing those who have done wrong in the past. Reading this article, however, I felt as though my optimistic bubble was burst. Baker opened my eyes on the disgusting men who I believed "get what they deserve", to realize they are actually just recycled. They go from one institution/job to the next without truly facing the consequences of their actions, and do it all over again. To me this does not seem fair enough of a punishment, but Baker's other arguments raise a good question. What even is the right punishment? Do we want them to live in exile, or become homeless and starve because they have no way to make a living, will that teach them a lesson? How do we know if they learned their lesson and if they do, are we supposed to just welcome them back into society with open arms?

This article raised so many questions I never bothered to think of, and left my mind blown to think there may never be any correct answers.

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