The Creepiest Things You Can Do on Facebook (800 words)

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This was a very clever comedy writing piece that has a lot of great moments to laugh at. Facebook is kind of an interesting site, in the sense that it's largely populated by Grandmas and baby pictures, and isn't really known as an advocacy platform (Twitter) nor one populated by young users (Instagram, TikTok). It's an original beast of a platform all its own, and has an aura of confusion and oddities all the same.

But what really made me enjoy the article was its layout. It's a great set-up and there are perfect divisions with each of author Ashley Feinberg's examples. The situation and why Feinberg finds Facebook so odd is established well, and perfectly explains this article as being both interesting and silly. I also enjoy the division of each example Feinberg made on what is a creepy thing to do on the platform. Each point is divided through bold lettering and are given about one or two paragraphs each. Nothing is too long, nor is any one point longer than another. It results in nice, bite-sized pieces of reading and entertainment, making it a fun experience to read through and through.

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