“For One Last Night, Make It a Blockbuster Night”- Justin Heckert (9,282 words)

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When I was younger I remember going to Blockbuster. My parents would take us every once in a while to pick out a movie. It was fun to run around looking at all the movies and then hoping into the dollar store next door to get some cheap treats. It has been a long time since I stepped foot in a Blockbuster, for many people it has been a long time. 

This article by Justin Heckert, brings those memories back. Heckert spends a lot of time creating the atmosphere of the ill fated Alaskan Blockbusters. He describes the stores, the stock, the people, the interactions, the memories. He does a great job showing the character of these stores, the people who rely on them, and the holes they will leave behind. The whole article is very nostalgic, creating a sense that such a loved memory is about to drift away forever. 

I think what Heckert did that is worth stealing is creating that sense of nostalgia, making people remember good times, and ultimately keep reading because you want to remember Blockbuster and you are also curious as to how it has gone on so long when the rest of the country said goodbye long ago.

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