My Writing Education: A Timeline (4187 word article, 328 words written)

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I am writing in response to My Writing Education: A Timeline by George Saunders. This one was in one of Dr. Dwyer's recommended readings, so I figured I would give this one a read.

First, I did a quick scan of the article so I could pace myself while reading and have a good idea of where I am at in the story. The first thing I noticed was this article is organized very well and put into subcategories to break up the text. Each one made it very clear where we were at in the reading.

Reading through the article, it was very interesting to see how Saunders' whole journey played out through his process of becoming a writer and all his experiences. They way that the article is written, it really felt like that I was with him throughout all his adventures. One of the things that stuck out to me was in the very beginning when he mentioned that he would sleep in his truck's camper and shower in the school's locker rooms.

One part that I really liked in the article was in the “Even Later That Semester” section, when Doug gets a negative review but gives the speech about how that will only make himself and future books better. I really liked this because it relates to how myself and other college students have felt at one point in college. There will always be someone or some kind of obstacle in your way trying to knock you down, but facing it and overcoming that obstacle will only make yourself a better version of yourself. Criticism is seen as mostly negative but is also meant to improve yourself, and in Doug’s case, his future books.

Overall, I thought this was a good read and I am really glad I looked at this article. I really enjoyed how it was structured and it really felt like I was right there with the author through everything.


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