“The Greatest Story Reddit Ever Told” -Kevin Morris (5,562 words)

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I don’t know what I thought when I first read the title of this article. I did not think it would be about how members of the Reddit community come together to help a man in federal prison. It was very interesting and it reminds you that people on the Internet are not all trolls. Some are good people just looking to help others out and have a good time. 

The story began with how Dante Orpilla was arrested for buying cocaine from ICE agents. Then goes into how we got into Reddit and how he emassed a following for his artwork. He made connections on Reddit and asked for the community’s help and he got it. They helped him write a speech for the judge, set up a website to post his work, and even keep in contact with him while he is in prison to get more artwork out. 

I really liked how Kevin Morris wrote this. At first I had no idea where this story was going. Reddit’s reputation is not the best and starting off with someone being arrested for drugs had me thinking the story was going in a crazy direction. It keeps you on your toes and then you find out Orpilla is just a man getting back on his feet who likes to draw art and put it on Reddit. It turned out to be a lot more wholesome than where it could have gone. I think Morris did a great job of building suspense in the beginning and then bringing all the bits of story together.

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