Yankees Suck! Yankees Suck! (7335 word article, 333 words written)

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The title of this article drew me in immediately. Being a die hard baseball and Phillies fan, I knew I had to give this one a read.
The first thing that grabbed my attention was the picture at the very top of the page. All the “Yankees Suck” shirts, the Red Sox flags. Damn, I miss baseball.
Two college students, Todd Wilson and Ray LeMoine took a simple, basic idea and ran with it. A simple shirt with two words “Yankees Suck” written on it, and they started by selling them outside of the Red Sox home field, Fenway park.
As the Yankees and Red Sox competed in tight division races, games, and playoff series, the shirts began to sell like crazy. This got me thinking, maybe I can make a profit by standing outside of Wells Fargo Center selling “Penguins Suck” shirts, or maybe outside of Lincoln Financial Field with “Dallas Sucks” shirts. It would be interesting to see hoe much I would truly sell.
The whole story was very interesting to read. From the various different shirts made to the crimes, it was a crazy article read that kept my interest the whole time. To me, this is the kind of story that has mostly sports stuff in it, but you do not have to be a sports fan or have sports knowledge to understand and enjoy the story. I also liked all of the real photographs they used, as well as using numerous quotes throughout the story. This really adds a lot of informative content and we can truly understand the whole story better.
I also thought they did a good job of structuring the content in this story. There is a lot going on and a lot of text, but it is all in nice paragraphs to make it easier on us to read and follow along.
Overall, I thought this was a really well written piece that was very informative, and I recommend it to anyone, even non-baseball fans.

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