Fear of a Black President (9,709 words)

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Reading Ta-Nehisi Coates' article is an interesting one. Despite its publication in 2012, I feel as if the article is even more relevant more than 3 years after Obama's presidency ended. Coates looks into Obama and his relation to America in profound and engaging ways, from the racist background of the nation, to black men and their placement in society.

The George Zimmerman case that sets the story up is especially fascinating to look at. I do remember the incident, and the massive shift in approval when Obama laid out his speech. There is something about the immense racism of America that despite a black man in office, there is an upsurge in racist rhetoric and actions, especially when Obama makes a statement. He is forced into a fine line that tries to appeal to all people, but gets forced into his words being twisted.

I love how Coates goes into every facet of the Obama administration, from his beginnings to his campaign to his actions as president, to even black culture from decades prior, painting a unique portrait of the man, and it's clear he has great passion about Obama's place in both black and American culture.

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