You Must Remember This – Star Wars Episode XVI: Van Johnson (47:43)

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As an enthusiast of film, learning about such obscure film history was an exciting venture, and I was happy to say this did not disappoint a bit.

Learning about Van Johnson and his offscreen persona was fascinating. There is something mysterious about old-school actors, at least ones that aren't as well-documented, and their backstory. We live in a world where paparazzi and documentaries about every celebrity is recorded and published. And while Van Johnson has plenty of word about him that's made public, having been a major player for MGM, there's plenty I got to learn about an actor I never even heard of until today.

I really appreciated how Karina Longworth added music to the fray. There's a very atmospheric background noise to the music used to help set the scene and mood. It fits the period and the tone perfectly, feeling like as if you're being told a beautiful Hollywood story. It brings so much to the story than I expected, and made it a joy to listen to.

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