“The Greatest Story Reddit Ever Told” -Kevin Morris (5,562 words)

I don’t know what I thought when I first read the title of this article. I did not think it would be about how members of the Reddit community come together to help a man in federal prison. It was very interesting and it reminds you that people on the Internet are not all trolls. Some are good people just looking to help others out and have a good time. 

The story began with how Dante Orpilla was arrested for buying cocaine from ICE agents. Then goes into how we got into Reddit and how he emassed a following for his artwork.

“For One Last Night, Make It a Blockbuster Night”- Justin Heckert (9,282 words)

When I was younger I remember going to Blockbuster. My parents would take us every once in a while to pick out a movie. It was fun to run around looking at all the movies and then hoping into the dollar store next door to get some cheap treats. It has been a long time since I stepped foot in a Blockbuster, for many people it has been a long time. 

This article by Justin Heckert, brings those memories back. Heckert spends a lot of time creating the atmosphere of the ill fated Alaskan Blockbusters.

“The Lottery Hackers”- Jason Fagone (11,000 words)

All I can say is wow. This story was wild. I cannot believe how this elderly couple was able to make millions off the lottery. It is just, wow. I never thought about playing the lottery like this and I cannot believe they were able to crack it.

“I Accidentally Uncovered a Nationwide Scam on Airbnb”-Allie Contie (5,750 words)

All I can say about this article is wow. The facts of this article are not necessarily surprising, but it still makes my blood boil. The story begins with Contie’s experience with an Airbnb host that suddenly canceled her reservation and sent her to another place to stay that was disgusting and kicked them out after one night. After some digging Contie soon finds that this is a lot more than one bad experience. 

People are setting up multiple accounts, advertising suspiciously similar apartments, giving clients loads of almost exactly the same experiences, and taking full advantage of Airbnb’s lax policies. Like mentioned before, the fact that this is occurring is not surprising.

“The Raisin Situation” – Jonah Engel Bromwich (3,844 words)

Two words: raisin mafia. 

For a story that seems it would be so simple and standard, “The Raisin Situation” takes you on a whirlwind journey with Sun-Maid’s new chief executive and the turmoil he faces entering the raisin industry. 

The story begins explaining the raisin industry’s issue with young people not eating raisins and would seem to find it’s solution with the hiring of a younger CEO, Harry Overly, with experience in different food companies. The story then takes a turn with Overly meeting other raisin industry “players” and him saying after that occured in the back room of a restaurant felt like a raisin mafia. The story then continues by describing all the treats on Overly and his family’s lives, the state of the raisin industry, the anger and distrust in the farmers, and Overly trying his best to appeal to them and try to save the industry. The story luckily ends on a high note and it seems Overly has persuaded a lot of farmers and is currently on his way to attempt to change the industry for the better. 

This story is something that is different. It is so interesting because it takes something that one would expect to be really boring and flips it on its head.