The Shame of College Sports by Taylor Branch (14615 Words)

This article by Branch deals is a position paper that tackles the debate over paying college athletes. He takes the position in favor of giving NCAA athletes a portion of the wealth that they help generate for campuses. I really enjoy the way he goes about making his point, mainly by completely dismantling any arguments for the continued exploitation of student athletes. His first argument in support of student athletes is centered around challenging the claim that paying athletes would somehow compromise the integrity of college sports. He does this by pointing out the fact that the NCAA’s integrity is already more than compromised since they have commercialized university sports and generated revenue from student athletes.

Face for a Canvas

by Samuel Trombetta

Houda spread the glue evenly around her face, making the outline of a heart shape before embezzling it with shiny little stones that resemble diamonds. Deciding that her face wasn’t blue enough after layering on some paint, she drew on tears that went to her cheeks which faded into a light red hue. Finally, she drew her eyebrows, raised at the ends closer to her nose and made them into straight lines, almost resembling a tent to display a saddened expression. All the while, Houda filmed her progress and later edited the video into a short clip that showcased her final work at the end. She posted the clip on instagram and a picture of the final product, believing it to be just another one of her hundreds of posts that her page dedicated itself to.