What Do We Do with the Art of Monstrous Men? (5200)
Claire Dederer’s article touched on an issue that has been on the minds of many throughout the whole #MeToo movement. She asks the question, ‘Is it okay to still enjoy the art of those who have hurt and taken advantage of others?’ She opens the article by listing off the names of famous men that have been accused or convicted of sexual assault or harassment. Anyone paying attention to the news in 2017, when the article was published, would immediately be tuned into the subject of the article, if the title didn’t already give it away. She lists 17 names, most of whose allegations we have known about for years, and all of which have at least one renowned work of art or attribution to their name. Doing this, she sets up the juxtaposition between fame and accountability well.
Hearing a woman talk about her conflicted feelings about liking the art of men who hurt other women was very impactful.